Well, I'm not even sure where to start. This summer is coming to a close and I can honestly say I learned SO much! Its been one of the hardest, but one of the best summers I have ever had. I just got back from spending three weeks at a camp called Spring Hill, it was so awesome.
Spring Hill was so awesome. I know I already said that, but I needed to say it again. I cried more in these past three weeks then I have in a whole year. The campers where hurting to bad, the counselors and other staff where hurting so bad, and I was even hurting. But the awesome thing about it is that almost all of them came to know Jesus. It was so great watching literally hundreds of campers grow in the Lord. I can't even describe how wonderful it was. I can't describe how loved, and wanted I felt the last three weeks. I can't even begin to describe how much my campers taught me, how much they changed me, and what an everlasting impact they will have on my life. I met some awesome friends. Literally, awesome! I have never been around a group of people who love the Lord, and everyone else around them so much. It was just a great, great, great three weeks!
God has taught me a lot these past three weeks. He taught me that he has a purpose for everything. He taught me that its okay to be weak at times, and to let other people help you. He showed me that its okay not to have it all together. He showed me his everlasting, abundant love for EVERYONE! He showed me that a little bit of love can go soooo far! I could go on and on. But those are the main things he has taught me.
In about a week and a half I'm going back to school. I'm excited, and kinda sad all in one. I'm sad because it means summer is almost done, and that all in itself is pretty sad. I'm excited to go back because I get to see all my wonderful friends. I get to see my church family(wayne, Algene, Gena, Ryan, Adam, Jamie, ect....) I'm excited to be on a schedule, and to not be a traveling nomad, but to stay in one place for a few months. And most of all I'm excited to see what God has in store for this year, really excited.
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