Monday, May 9, 2011


If there is anything that I have realized this past month, it would be trust.
My classes this semester where killer, let me tell you.  I feel like the last month of school I really wasn't even a person, its over now though, and I'm very glad.  I ended up coming back for May-term and I am beyond blessed with being able to stay at my church family's house.
The LAST thing in the entire world that I wanted to do was to come back for May-Term.  I was ready for school to be done, I wanted to be home with my family and friends, and most of all I just wanted a break.  I was so tired physically, and emotionally. I ended up having to take may-term, and its turning out to be one of the biggest blessings I have ever had.  I love being with the family I'm with, I love the kids I'm around everyday, I'm happy to be in a class where its entirely about Jesus.  I'm just SO happy right now.  When I thought this was going to be the worst month ever, its turning out to be pretty great.
So, trust.  I have really come to trust in Jesus, and know that he has a plan for everything!  And when you least expect it he is going to bless you in incredible ways.

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