I have not wrote in this thing forever. Life has been crazy! Instead of working at Spring Hill camp this summer, I actually am now working in Mackinac Island, for Mackinac Island Carriage Tours. I never saw myself doing anything like this, but its something different, and slowly I am starting to like it. I get to work with horses everyday and thats a blast. I get up at 5:30 every morning and usually don't get back till around 6 or 7, so really long hours and we only get one day off a week. God is truly testing me. At times I want to give up, when my horses are being bad or the people on my carriage are just plain rude or mean. But I know I'm meant to to be here and I know God is going to do great things. I found a church here and I go with a few friends. There is church sunday mornings and wed. nights. And then coffee house friday nights, and a bible study on sunday nights. Its a lot of fun, and through those people I am learning a lot.
I think the reason God sent me here is because I was getting to comfortable. I mean I go to a Christian school, and for the most part am surrounded by loving, christian people. In coming here to Mackinac I am totally out of my comfort zone, lets just say a lot of people do different things that I don't agree with or like to do. But I have realized I'm not here to judge them, but to be their friend and show them Jesus through that. And as time goes on I am starting to realize that more and more. I'm uncomfortable here, but thats exactly how God wants me to be.
Its fun here though. I mean I'm on an island. Tons of people from ALL over the world come here. Its so beautiful, and so many different, exciting fun things to do. I line danced in the street the other night. Theres cliff diving, swimming in this huge lake, riding horses, riding bikes. Did I mention no cars are allowed on the island, so I def. get my workout, I like it though.
I'm going to try and write in this thing more.

This is the type of carriage I drive everyday, with the horses and everything.

The beautiful island I am on!

The Grand Hotel. Its only took 93 days to build this whole thing. There are also 385 rooms in it, and all the rooms are different. No two rooms are the same!
That's VERY cool! I've ALWAYS wanted to go there, Ashley!!!