Well in 2 days I'm going back to school. I'm really excited for it! This summer has been awesome. When I look back and see all the things I have done this summer, I'm amazed. Its been great, and its been life changing. I have been at home for almost 2 weeks now, and its been great. I have really done a whole lot of nothing, which hasn't happened in a VERY long time, so its been super nice. Its been nice just to hangout with my siblings. My mom and I hung out a few days, just us, and that was awesome. Its been a great past two weeks. Since I haven't really been doing a whole lot these past few weeks I have had quite some time just to think about life. To think about my summer, my life, my friends and family. And in conclusion I have came up with my top 5 favorite moments this summer. I want to share them with you.
1.) My summer started off with staying at IWU for may term. I got to stay with my church family, and it was seriously so awesome! I feel like I have really gotten close to them, and they have changed my life for the better. So that was def. a highlight of my summer.
2.) Another one of my favorite days this summer was at the beginning of Aug. It was the weekend and I got to go up north to my grandparents house and see all of my cousins on my mom side. It doesn't happen very often, so it was great! We went out on the boat, we got to go tubing, took pictures, and best of all sang karaoke. It was a great couple of hours, and I always cherish my time with each and every one of them.
3.) Up in Mackinac I went to a bible study called Crossroads. It was mainly college students, but every once in a while we would all get together and have bonfires and stuff. One of the first weeks I was on the island we had a bonfire, and it was so awesome. It was awesome to just gather together as christians and share testimonies and sing songs. There was even food. It was legit, and its a great memory for me.
4.) Another one of my favorite memories was a wedding that my family and I went to earlier on this month. I didn't know a single soul there, but it was so fun. It was fun to do something as a family. As everyone gets older I see us rarely doing things as a family, so it was just so great. We laughed a lot that night. Tyler, Grant, Brooke and I all slept in bunk beds that night. I even got to hear Brooke and Grant fight the whole night. It was great though. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed being together as a family.
5.) Springhill was probably the biggest highlight of my summer. I met so many amazing people, and its just an awesome place. I had some amazing campers that even changed my life. My favorite moment though was with this one girl. She came from a horrible home, and just didn't have a good life at all. You could tell she was so broken. She wanted and needed love. She didn't know Jesus, and she didn't want to know him either. By the middle of the week though I saw a huge change in her. We talked and she told me things she was never able to tell anyone. She accepted Jesus, and I saw her praying at night. I saw her reading her bible. I saw a complete transformation. And the best thing is, is that I still talk to her, and she's still going strong. I had a lot of awesome things like that happen at camp. I can tell you nothing is better then watching a child accept Christ. Its literally the best thing ever.
Also one afternoon on my break my friend Mallory and I played "Truth or Truth", and if you know me well, you know that I love to play that game. So yeah, it was great. I also had a really, I think life changing moment, when I got to talk to one of my friends one night under the stars without anyone. It was after a really bad week at camp, and I was just going through some things and she just really knew what to say, and yeah it was really awesome for me.
So yeah. I had a LEGIT summer! It was awesome! I don't think I can express that enough. I can't thank anyone enough who was apart of my summer. You made it great. All of you did. Something else this summer taught me was to give back to others. I'm so excited to get back to school because I want to do so much. There are sooooo many hurting people in Marion and I just have a lot of plans to love on them. Love can go such a long way, I learned that this summer too.
Well I'm sure everyone is done hearing me ramble. So yeah, I think I'm gonna go.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Spring Hill
Well, I'm not even sure where to start. This summer is coming to a close and I can honestly say I learned SO much! Its been one of the hardest, but one of the best summers I have ever had. I just got back from spending three weeks at a camp called Spring Hill, it was so awesome.
Spring Hill was so awesome. I know I already said that, but I needed to say it again. I cried more in these past three weeks then I have in a whole year. The campers where hurting to bad, the counselors and other staff where hurting so bad, and I was even hurting. But the awesome thing about it is that almost all of them came to know Jesus. It was so great watching literally hundreds of campers grow in the Lord. I can't even describe how wonderful it was. I can't describe how loved, and wanted I felt the last three weeks. I can't even begin to describe how much my campers taught me, how much they changed me, and what an everlasting impact they will have on my life. I met some awesome friends. Literally, awesome! I have never been around a group of people who love the Lord, and everyone else around them so much. It was just a great, great, great three weeks!
God has taught me a lot these past three weeks. He taught me that he has a purpose for everything. He taught me that its okay to be weak at times, and to let other people help you. He showed me that its okay not to have it all together. He showed me his everlasting, abundant love for EVERYONE! He showed me that a little bit of love can go soooo far! I could go on and on. But those are the main things he has taught me.
In about a week and a half I'm going back to school. I'm excited, and kinda sad all in one. I'm sad because it means summer is almost done, and that all in itself is pretty sad. I'm excited to go back because I get to see all my wonderful friends. I get to see my church family(wayne, Algene, Gena, Ryan, Adam, Jamie, ect....) I'm excited to be on a schedule, and to not be a traveling nomad, but to stay in one place for a few months. And most of all I'm excited to see what God has in store for this year, really excited.
Spring Hill was so awesome. I know I already said that, but I needed to say it again. I cried more in these past three weeks then I have in a whole year. The campers where hurting to bad, the counselors and other staff where hurting so bad, and I was even hurting. But the awesome thing about it is that almost all of them came to know Jesus. It was so great watching literally hundreds of campers grow in the Lord. I can't even describe how wonderful it was. I can't describe how loved, and wanted I felt the last three weeks. I can't even begin to describe how much my campers taught me, how much they changed me, and what an everlasting impact they will have on my life. I met some awesome friends. Literally, awesome! I have never been around a group of people who love the Lord, and everyone else around them so much. It was just a great, great, great three weeks!
God has taught me a lot these past three weeks. He taught me that he has a purpose for everything. He taught me that its okay to be weak at times, and to let other people help you. He showed me that its okay not to have it all together. He showed me his everlasting, abundant love for EVERYONE! He showed me that a little bit of love can go soooo far! I could go on and on. But those are the main things he has taught me.
In about a week and a half I'm going back to school. I'm excited, and kinda sad all in one. I'm sad because it means summer is almost done, and that all in itself is pretty sad. I'm excited to go back because I get to see all my wonderful friends. I get to see my church family(wayne, Algene, Gena, Ryan, Adam, Jamie, ect....) I'm excited to be on a schedule, and to not be a traveling nomad, but to stay in one place for a few months. And most of all I'm excited to see what God has in store for this year, really excited.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
good days
Lots of new things are happening. And I'm enjoying every minute of it. I just left Mackinac Island for the summer, its kind of bittersweet. I'm going to miss all the people that I have come to love, and the horses as well. Mackinac was awesome now that I look back on it. I really was blessed with so many wonderful friendships. I was blessed with going to a great church, and I was blessed with a great job as well. Its something I will never forget, a summer I will never, ever forget.
I got home last night, and it feels great. I went to church this morning and I worked in the nursery and played with some little babies, man I love kids. After church I came back and took a nap, man did it feel good! I feel like I have't slept in a long time so it was sooooo nice! Then I went out to eat with my parents, just the three of us. And that never happens, so it was really awesome and nice. I'm home for a whole week, and I'm really pumped about it! Oh, and this week I'm hanging out with a ton of friends from home, and I couldn't be more excited, I miss them all so stinking much!
Next week I get to go counsel at Spring Hill, and I'm soooo pumped about it! I miss counseling, so I'm really looking forward to it.
This past week I think I've learned a lot. I learned that I can do just about anything when I set my mind to it. I learned that God is going to put people in your life that are going to encourage you, and help you in any way. I learned that all it takes is a little conversation to help make someones day.
This summer is going by so fast, but its been great,. Only about a month before I go back to school, and I'm actually pretty excited about it. I miss all my friends. I miss living with Mary Beth, and all my other friends. I even miss eating at Wild Cat kinda.
Well its getting kind of late, and if you know me well you know I need sleep. Peace.
I got home last night, and it feels great. I went to church this morning and I worked in the nursery and played with some little babies, man I love kids. After church I came back and took a nap, man did it feel good! I feel like I have't slept in a long time so it was sooooo nice! Then I went out to eat with my parents, just the three of us. And that never happens, so it was really awesome and nice. I'm home for a whole week, and I'm really pumped about it! Oh, and this week I'm hanging out with a ton of friends from home, and I couldn't be more excited, I miss them all so stinking much!
Next week I get to go counsel at Spring Hill, and I'm soooo pumped about it! I miss counseling, so I'm really looking forward to it.
This past week I think I've learned a lot. I learned that I can do just about anything when I set my mind to it. I learned that God is going to put people in your life that are going to encourage you, and help you in any way. I learned that all it takes is a little conversation to help make someones day.
This summer is going by so fast, but its been great,. Only about a month before I go back to school, and I'm actually pretty excited about it. I miss all my friends. I miss living with Mary Beth, and all my other friends. I even miss eating at Wild Cat kinda.
Well its getting kind of late, and if you know me well you know I need sleep. Peace.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Beautiful Night
Well I'm sitting out here on the water, at 11:00 at night writing this post. The water is beautiful, and its so peaceful. Its never quiet here, and right now it couldn't be more quiet or more perfect. I'm sitting with my new friend Shasha, who is from the Ukraine. She is really awesome. Where talking about our life's and she is such an amazing women of God, its so awesome.
This past week God has been showing me so much! I got to go out to my Grandparents house with the rest of my family last week for 3 days! It was a great time away from work, and I cherished every min. of it. So coming back to the island really stunk. I didn't want to come back at all, and quite honestly it was really hard for me. I've never been one to be home sick, or miss people. But I miss so many people, and for the first time in my life I'm homesick. But I decided I could either be mad at the world, or I could be happy, and in return maybe make other peoples day a little bit brighter. So thats what I decided to do. I decided to smile a lot more, and make of an effort to see whats going on it other people life's. I realized that I have been so consumed with myself lately that I haven't really been paying attention to others, like I should be.
So yes, this whole week, I've been smiling at people, waving to people and talking to people. I've made friends with all the pooper scoopers, the taxi drivers, and hotel shuttle drivers, and even the grand hotel drivers. In fact the other day I was coming in from the barn, and this man stopped me and asked me how my day went. I replied with "great, how was your day?" And he told me it was "alright" and started to walk away. Then he turned around and said " you know I'm really thankful for you. You remind me so much of my daughter and every time I see you I think of her. And just thank you so much for that, it truly means the world to me."I was speakless. I was speakless because this was totally God. Putting a smile on my face, and being friendly was what God wanted me to do, and I did it, and I just happened to be helping people i little ways. It gave me goosebumps, and thats when I knew I have been in the right place this whole summer. Even though I don' like it here to much, I know this is where God wanted me, and he has made that very clear.
I go to talk to my friends from school the other day, and it was great. I miss being in E3W, and having our little fights, and being sisters. It was truly one of the best years of my life, and I grew so much last year. I am so blessed to have the RA, diversity coordinator, RD, and all the rest of the girls I lived with. My life is just that much greater now.
Last night I got to stay over at one of my new friends house. Its an awesome house, and it was such a good night. We played my favorite game "Truth or Truth", and it was fantabulous! I go to hear their hearts, and even some silly things, but it was great and truthfully what I needed. God has blessed me with GREAT friends here on the island, friends I will never forget.
Well I'm going to go now, and enjoy this beautiful night. Remember to keep smiling, because you never whose day you may make a little better.
This past week God has been showing me so much! I got to go out to my Grandparents house with the rest of my family last week for 3 days! It was a great time away from work, and I cherished every min. of it. So coming back to the island really stunk. I didn't want to come back at all, and quite honestly it was really hard for me. I've never been one to be home sick, or miss people. But I miss so many people, and for the first time in my life I'm homesick. But I decided I could either be mad at the world, or I could be happy, and in return maybe make other peoples day a little bit brighter. So thats what I decided to do. I decided to smile a lot more, and make of an effort to see whats going on it other people life's. I realized that I have been so consumed with myself lately that I haven't really been paying attention to others, like I should be.
So yes, this whole week, I've been smiling at people, waving to people and talking to people. I've made friends with all the pooper scoopers, the taxi drivers, and hotel shuttle drivers, and even the grand hotel drivers. In fact the other day I was coming in from the barn, and this man stopped me and asked me how my day went. I replied with "great, how was your day?" And he told me it was "alright" and started to walk away. Then he turned around and said " you know I'm really thankful for you. You remind me so much of my daughter and every time I see you I think of her. And just thank you so much for that, it truly means the world to me."I was speakless. I was speakless because this was totally God. Putting a smile on my face, and being friendly was what God wanted me to do, and I did it, and I just happened to be helping people i little ways. It gave me goosebumps, and thats when I knew I have been in the right place this whole summer. Even though I don' like it here to much, I know this is where God wanted me, and he has made that very clear.
I go to talk to my friends from school the other day, and it was great. I miss being in E3W, and having our little fights, and being sisters. It was truly one of the best years of my life, and I grew so much last year. I am so blessed to have the RA, diversity coordinator, RD, and all the rest of the girls I lived with. My life is just that much greater now.
Last night I got to stay over at one of my new friends house. Its an awesome house, and it was such a good night. We played my favorite game "Truth or Truth", and it was fantabulous! I go to hear their hearts, and even some silly things, but it was great and truthfully what I needed. God has blessed me with GREAT friends here on the island, friends I will never forget.
Well I'm going to go now, and enjoy this beautiful night. Remember to keep smiling, because you never whose day you may make a little better.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Well, Hello anyone who reads this.
I have not wrote in this thing forever. Life has been crazy! Instead of working at Spring Hill camp this summer, I actually am now working in Mackinac Island, for Mackinac Island Carriage Tours. I never saw myself doing anything like this, but its something different, and slowly I am starting to like it. I get to work with horses everyday and thats a blast. I get up at 5:30 every morning and usually don't get back till around 6 or 7, so really long hours and we only get one day off a week. God is truly testing me. At times I want to give up, when my horses are being bad or the people on my carriage are just plain rude or mean. But I know I'm meant to to be here and I know God is going to do great things. I found a church here and I go with a few friends. There is church sunday mornings and wed. nights. And then coffee house friday nights, and a bible study on sunday nights. Its a lot of fun, and through those people I am learning a lot.
I think the reason God sent me here is because I was getting to comfortable. I mean I go to a Christian school, and for the most part am surrounded by loving, christian people. In coming here to Mackinac I am totally out of my comfort zone, lets just say a lot of people do different things that I don't agree with or like to do. But I have realized I'm not here to judge them, but to be their friend and show them Jesus through that. And as time goes on I am starting to realize that more and more. I'm uncomfortable here, but thats exactly how God wants me to be.
Its fun here though. I mean I'm on an island. Tons of people from ALL over the world come here. Its so beautiful, and so many different, exciting fun things to do. I line danced in the street the other night. Theres cliff diving, swimming in this huge lake, riding horses, riding bikes. Did I mention no cars are allowed on the island, so I def. get my workout, I like it though.
I'm going to try and write in this thing more.

I have not wrote in this thing forever. Life has been crazy! Instead of working at Spring Hill camp this summer, I actually am now working in Mackinac Island, for Mackinac Island Carriage Tours. I never saw myself doing anything like this, but its something different, and slowly I am starting to like it. I get to work with horses everyday and thats a blast. I get up at 5:30 every morning and usually don't get back till around 6 or 7, so really long hours and we only get one day off a week. God is truly testing me. At times I want to give up, when my horses are being bad or the people on my carriage are just plain rude or mean. But I know I'm meant to to be here and I know God is going to do great things. I found a church here and I go with a few friends. There is church sunday mornings and wed. nights. And then coffee house friday nights, and a bible study on sunday nights. Its a lot of fun, and through those people I am learning a lot.
I think the reason God sent me here is because I was getting to comfortable. I mean I go to a Christian school, and for the most part am surrounded by loving, christian people. In coming here to Mackinac I am totally out of my comfort zone, lets just say a lot of people do different things that I don't agree with or like to do. But I have realized I'm not here to judge them, but to be their friend and show them Jesus through that. And as time goes on I am starting to realize that more and more. I'm uncomfortable here, but thats exactly how God wants me to be.
Its fun here though. I mean I'm on an island. Tons of people from ALL over the world come here. Its so beautiful, and so many different, exciting fun things to do. I line danced in the street the other night. Theres cliff diving, swimming in this huge lake, riding horses, riding bikes. Did I mention no cars are allowed on the island, so I def. get my workout, I like it though.
I'm going to try and write in this thing more.

This is the type of carriage I drive everyday, with the horses and everything.

The beautiful island I am on!

The Grand Hotel. Its only took 93 days to build this whole thing. There are also 385 rooms in it, and all the rooms are different. No two rooms are the same!
Monday, May 9, 2011
If there is anything that I have realized this past month, it would be trust.
My classes this semester where killer, let me tell you. I feel like the last month of school I really wasn't even a person, its over now though, and I'm very glad. I ended up coming back for May-term and I am beyond blessed with being able to stay at my church family's house.
The LAST thing in the entire world that I wanted to do was to come back for May-Term. I was ready for school to be done, I wanted to be home with my family and friends, and most of all I just wanted a break. I was so tired physically, and emotionally. I ended up having to take may-term, and its turning out to be one of the biggest blessings I have ever had. I love being with the family I'm with, I love the kids I'm around everyday, I'm happy to be in a class where its entirely about Jesus. I'm just SO happy right now. When I thought this was going to be the worst month ever, its turning out to be pretty great.
So, trust. I have really come to trust in Jesus, and know that he has a plan for everything! And when you least expect it he is going to bless you in incredible ways.
My classes this semester where killer, let me tell you. I feel like the last month of school I really wasn't even a person, its over now though, and I'm very glad. I ended up coming back for May-term and I am beyond blessed with being able to stay at my church family's house.
The LAST thing in the entire world that I wanted to do was to come back for May-Term. I was ready for school to be done, I wanted to be home with my family and friends, and most of all I just wanted a break. I was so tired physically, and emotionally. I ended up having to take may-term, and its turning out to be one of the biggest blessings I have ever had. I love being with the family I'm with, I love the kids I'm around everyday, I'm happy to be in a class where its entirely about Jesus. I'm just SO happy right now. When I thought this was going to be the worst month ever, its turning out to be pretty great.
So, trust. I have really come to trust in Jesus, and know that he has a plan for everything! And when you least expect it he is going to bless you in incredible ways.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
New York
This past week has been nothing less than amazing. I had a wonderful opportunity to go and serve in New Jersey/ New York. I went with 8 other wonderful girls all from IWU, and all from Faith Baptist Church. Heres a little bit about our week:
Saturday: Jess and I woke up, very early I may add. We went to Mcdonalds for breakfast and by 8:00am we were on the road in a 15 passenger van headed to New York. We arrived at our hotel for the night in Pennsylvania around 8:00 pm. We went out to eat at this cute little restaurant, and after that we went and sat in the hot tub for a bit at the hotel.
Sunday: We got up pretty early and drove the rest of the way to New York. When we got there we went and ate at mcdonalds, and then went and got checked in at our hotel. Later on that night we got to go and serve at a place called Street Light Mission, they had sunday night church. This sunday night church was absolutely amazing. This church attracts a lot of drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, and homeless people. I saw a lot of lost people. I saw a lot of people with no hope, no happiness, and really no direction in life. After awhile though, when church began, I saw these people be filled with the Lord. I saw them light up and worship God with their whole hearts. I saw walls be broken down. It was truly an amazing experience. I saw people with literally nothing love God more than anyone I have ever seen. Once the night was finally over I was just in complete awe. My heart started to change that night. I never realized it but in a way I was so judgmental of so many people. But once the night was over it came down to the fact that we are all people, we all have struggles, we all have hurts, and we all want someone to love us. Whether you have a drug addiction, or are an alcoholic you are still a person just like everyone else in the world.
Monday: We got to work with the Street Light Mission. It was kinda a slow day. We sorted clothes, and food, and handed out food. We watched some people want to get help for their drug or alcohol addiction. I feel like this was a day where I really got to know the girls on the trip. It was kinda a slower day, so we got to just talked and hung out which was really great. Oh, and we also went to go see the Statue of Liberty, which was pretty awesome.
Tuesday: We got to go to New York City. It was a really cool experience. We rode a train to NYC, which was my first train ride ever! Then we hit up Time Square right away, which was not really everything I expected it to be, but it was still cool. We ate at this cute little sandwich/soup place. Saw Ground Zero, which was so sad. Went to a very large M&M store, saw the largest Forever 21 ever. We also went to China Town, where I managed to get kicked out of a store haha. Overall it was a great day, and something I had always wanted to do.
Wednesday: This was our very first day with the Relief bus. We woke up at the crack of dawn, ate breakfast and were at the Relief Bus by 7:30 am. While everyone was loading up the bus, making soup, and hot chocolate, Jess and I got to go get bread with one of the guys on staff named Yaz. Yaz was a very awesome man, and I really like him a lot. We got there, got the bread loaded it in the van, and started driving back to the Relief Bus. On the way back Jess and I shared our stories with him and then he shared his story with us. Surprisingly we found out that he used to be a heroin addict for 14 years, and then one day he picked up his bible started reading it and he hasn't craved heroin since. He gave everything to God, and now he is helping people just like he used to be. God is so good! Once we got back we packed everything up on the bus and headed to the Bronx's. On the way there we had an awesome time of worship and prayer that really prepared my heart for serving the people in the Bronx's. Once we got there we set everything up, and began handing out soup, bread, and hot chocolate. We served a lot of drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless people, and prostitutes. I saw hurting people, and it was a really sad and scary thing for me. I was scared to reach out to some of them, scared of what they would do, scared of that they would say. That day though I learned that some of the people I would think would be the scariest are the nicest people ever. Their so thankful, so nice and nothing like I would ever expect them to be. I really learned to love people this day. I learned to step out of my comfort zone and do work for God. He kept me safe, he gave me the right words, and he just really gave me a wonderful opportunity to serve these hurting people.
Thursday: We worked with the Relief Bus again today. It was a really great day. We went to the Bronx's again, but it was in a different location. We once again saw a lot of drug addicts, homelessness, and alcoholics. This day I really stepped out of my comfort zone and talked with people. I even prayed with some, helped hook a few people with some job opportunities, and just talked to them. I found that talking to these people they would really open up. I heard some of the most heartbreaking stories ever. I talked with a guy named Holio. He was a very bad alcoholic. He lived in the Bronx's most of his life. Doesn't have a job, lives with his mom, and really has no desire to get clean or sober. My heart really ached for him. It ached because I saw potential in him, I saw hurt and I really wanted nothing more then for him to get his life straightened out.
Friday: We once again worked with the Relief Bus. We went to Chelsea Park in Manhattan. A lot of homeless men hang out around this area so it wasn't really filled with as many drugs or alcohol but just a lot of homelessness. This was the day I prayed with the most, talked the most, and just really enjoyed. I met a man who asked me to marry him. I met a man who was in love with politics and we talked about them for about an hour. And my favorite was a man named Jon. Jon is homeless, with hardly anything. We talked about a ton of stuff. He was such an intelligent man. He didn't have any addictions, he was just unfortunate and was homeless. I met a lot of people like that that day. A lot of men that where just homeless, one man eve had his phD. It was really awesome to hear their hearts, to see how thankful they were by doing something as little as giving them a cup of soup and some bread.
Saturday: Went back to IWU. A very long 13 hour car ride.
Overall this week was completely life changing. Not only did our team help make a difference in so many peoples life's, but those people changed my life. They changed my perspective on so many things. They really showed me how great my life is, and how bad it could be. They showed me that you can have so much joy even when you literally have nothing. They showed me that you can have nothing and still love Jesus with all your heart. I learned so much and New York was definitely where God wanted me over Spring Break.
Saturday: Jess and I woke up, very early I may add. We went to Mcdonalds for breakfast and by 8:00am we were on the road in a 15 passenger van headed to New York. We arrived at our hotel for the night in Pennsylvania around 8:00 pm. We went out to eat at this cute little restaurant, and after that we went and sat in the hot tub for a bit at the hotel.
Sunday: We got up pretty early and drove the rest of the way to New York. When we got there we went and ate at mcdonalds, and then went and got checked in at our hotel. Later on that night we got to go and serve at a place called Street Light Mission, they had sunday night church. This sunday night church was absolutely amazing. This church attracts a lot of drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, and homeless people. I saw a lot of lost people. I saw a lot of people with no hope, no happiness, and really no direction in life. After awhile though, when church began, I saw these people be filled with the Lord. I saw them light up and worship God with their whole hearts. I saw walls be broken down. It was truly an amazing experience. I saw people with literally nothing love God more than anyone I have ever seen. Once the night was finally over I was just in complete awe. My heart started to change that night. I never realized it but in a way I was so judgmental of so many people. But once the night was over it came down to the fact that we are all people, we all have struggles, we all have hurts, and we all want someone to love us. Whether you have a drug addiction, or are an alcoholic you are still a person just like everyone else in the world.
Monday: We got to work with the Street Light Mission. It was kinda a slow day. We sorted clothes, and food, and handed out food. We watched some people want to get help for their drug or alcohol addiction. I feel like this was a day where I really got to know the girls on the trip. It was kinda a slower day, so we got to just talked and hung out which was really great. Oh, and we also went to go see the Statue of Liberty, which was pretty awesome.
Tuesday: We got to go to New York City. It was a really cool experience. We rode a train to NYC, which was my first train ride ever! Then we hit up Time Square right away, which was not really everything I expected it to be, but it was still cool. We ate at this cute little sandwich/soup place. Saw Ground Zero, which was so sad. Went to a very large M&M store, saw the largest Forever 21 ever. We also went to China Town, where I managed to get kicked out of a store haha. Overall it was a great day, and something I had always wanted to do.
Wednesday: This was our very first day with the Relief bus. We woke up at the crack of dawn, ate breakfast and were at the Relief Bus by 7:30 am. While everyone was loading up the bus, making soup, and hot chocolate, Jess and I got to go get bread with one of the guys on staff named Yaz. Yaz was a very awesome man, and I really like him a lot. We got there, got the bread loaded it in the van, and started driving back to the Relief Bus. On the way back Jess and I shared our stories with him and then he shared his story with us. Surprisingly we found out that he used to be a heroin addict for 14 years, and then one day he picked up his bible started reading it and he hasn't craved heroin since. He gave everything to God, and now he is helping people just like he used to be. God is so good! Once we got back we packed everything up on the bus and headed to the Bronx's. On the way there we had an awesome time of worship and prayer that really prepared my heart for serving the people in the Bronx's. Once we got there we set everything up, and began handing out soup, bread, and hot chocolate. We served a lot of drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless people, and prostitutes. I saw hurting people, and it was a really sad and scary thing for me. I was scared to reach out to some of them, scared of what they would do, scared of that they would say. That day though I learned that some of the people I would think would be the scariest are the nicest people ever. Their so thankful, so nice and nothing like I would ever expect them to be. I really learned to love people this day. I learned to step out of my comfort zone and do work for God. He kept me safe, he gave me the right words, and he just really gave me a wonderful opportunity to serve these hurting people.
Thursday: We worked with the Relief Bus again today. It was a really great day. We went to the Bronx's again, but it was in a different location. We once again saw a lot of drug addicts, homelessness, and alcoholics. This day I really stepped out of my comfort zone and talked with people. I even prayed with some, helped hook a few people with some job opportunities, and just talked to them. I found that talking to these people they would really open up. I heard some of the most heartbreaking stories ever. I talked with a guy named Holio. He was a very bad alcoholic. He lived in the Bronx's most of his life. Doesn't have a job, lives with his mom, and really has no desire to get clean or sober. My heart really ached for him. It ached because I saw potential in him, I saw hurt and I really wanted nothing more then for him to get his life straightened out.
Friday: We once again worked with the Relief Bus. We went to Chelsea Park in Manhattan. A lot of homeless men hang out around this area so it wasn't really filled with as many drugs or alcohol but just a lot of homelessness. This was the day I prayed with the most, talked the most, and just really enjoyed. I met a man who asked me to marry him. I met a man who was in love with politics and we talked about them for about an hour. And my favorite was a man named Jon. Jon is homeless, with hardly anything. We talked about a ton of stuff. He was such an intelligent man. He didn't have any addictions, he was just unfortunate and was homeless. I met a lot of people like that that day. A lot of men that where just homeless, one man eve had his phD. It was really awesome to hear their hearts, to see how thankful they were by doing something as little as giving them a cup of soup and some bread.
Saturday: Went back to IWU. A very long 13 hour car ride.
Overall this week was completely life changing. Not only did our team help make a difference in so many peoples life's, but those people changed my life. They changed my perspective on so many things. They really showed me how great my life is, and how bad it could be. They showed me that you can have so much joy even when you literally have nothing. They showed me that you can have nothing and still love Jesus with all your heart. I learned so much and New York was definitely where God wanted me over Spring Break.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Philippians 4:13
First of all this week has been well, stressful, tiring, testing, and did I say tiring? I had 4 tests, 2 lab practicals, and a paper due. As well has 100 other things going on. In the next week I have to make quite a few decisions about things as well, which doesn't put me in the best position. Oh and I have 2 more tests next week. But on the bright side in about a week I'm going to New York with a great group of people, and I am sooo excited.
I have been feeling very distant from it seems like everyone and everything lately, including God. I'm not really sure if its because I have had so much going on, or if its because it seems like I am always tired, or if I just don't have the ambition. Either way though I'm just kind of confused on what to do. On how to fix things, and how not to be distant from so many people that I love, and most of all God. I think I'm going to really try to make it a priority to spend time journaling and just spending alone time with God, and we will see where that goes.
Although this week has been one of the worst weeks I've had in quite some time, a lot of good has come out of it. I was getting pretty worried that I wasn't going to be able to raise all the money for the New York Trip I'm going on for Spring Break, and today I got a call from someone saying that they are going to be sending me $200, which is exactly the amount I needed. It was really cool to see the Lord work in that way. Also just knowing that I could accomplish everything I had going on this week was really cool. It was so challenging, but in the end I really think it helped me grow as a person. This week has also been one filled with laughs and new friends. I met quite a few people this week, which was awesome. Also I think I laughed more and had more fun times then the usual, which is usually quite a bit.
In the end of this week, I am thankful though. I'm thankful for the strength to get through it. The strength to not break down when I literally studied my butt off for a test and it didn't show in my grade. I'm thankful for my family, for my moms surgery going good, my roommate, Jess, Libby,Chelsea, Rachelle, Shannon, Reghan, Hailey, Rachel, Carrie, Dorie, Margaret, Bethany Livengood, Hannah, and so many more! Im thankful for my friends at home. I'm thankful for having an RA and Diversity Coordinator who care about everyone and everything so much, I couldn't have asked for better ones if I wanted. I'm thankful for being able to go to New York and to be able to minister to the people who need the love of Jesus so much. I'm thankful for talking to one of my favorite people in the whole world. And most importantly I'm thankful for my relationship with Jesus, and to be able to love him freely in the country I live in. I could go on and on about what I'm thankful for. So when your having a bad day or week, think about that. Think about everyone you have and how much you have. Think about how many people love you, and how many great opportunities we have.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Today has been such a great day so far. My alarm went off about ten times, before I could make myself sit up,and get out of bed. After that happened though, things have been so great. For some reason,today, I have been so happy. I'm not sure wether its because its above 10 degrees and sunny outside, or if its because I got enough sleep, but either way I'm just really happy.
Church this morning was great as always. The Taylor University Gospel Choir came, and they were so stinking good! It was so fun to watch everyone clap their hands and do different motions, and people just love on one another. Thats one thing I love about that church, everyone just genuinely loves one another. After church Chelsea, Mary Beth, Reghan, Jess and her mom, sister, sister-inlaw and niece all went to lunch Baldwin. It was so fun, and I got to hold a beautiful 3 month old baby. I love babies, so much. Anyways after lunch Chelsea, Reghan, Mary Beth and I decided to escape to Starbucks for a few hours to do homework. It was really nice. Just sitting there, listening to music, and people having conversations. Something about it helped me get work done, which was great.
Sundays are a great day for me to reflect on the past week, and look forward to things in the week that is coming. Its a day to just rest and get caught up on homework, and most of all its a day with the Lord. Today at church I really started thinking about the little things that God has done for me, as well as the big things. Each and everyday he does something, and there is always something to learn about him, which I think is so cool. One of the things I have really been learning lately is to fully trust in him. Earlier in the year I experienced a situation in which if I didn't trust in him I wasn't going to get through this very large obstacle.
It was early in October, and I decided to be spontaneous and go on a hiking trip with my school in the mountains of Kentucky. I was kind of apprehensive, but in the end I was so happy that I went. We got to the mountain at about 1:00 am and we started hiking from there. After about half an hour of hiking up killer hills, we found a place to put our tents for the night, and from there we set them up and went to sleep for the night. The next morning we got up, and started our hike for the day. The hills were steep and as the day went on got harder and harder. The first day we hiked about 7 miles or so, we set up camp for the night, and went to sleep. The next morning we woke up, thinking that we were only going to have to go about 4 more miles, and started hiking for the day. We were all tired, hungry, and very thirsty. As the day went on the hiking got harder and harder and with every step we took, we got more tired. It wasn't until later in the day did we realize we were going the wrong way. It was pretty devastating, when you realize something like that and are totally exhausted beyond means. It was at that moment that the only way I knew I was going to get through it was by praying and fully trusting in God. So after a few moment of pity, we all got up and started hiking once again. We hiked the next 7 or so miles faster then the first 10 miles we did. It was all God that got us through it, and we all knew that. I could say so much more about this trip, but that was just a little insight on it. That weekend I learned a lot. Not only about nature, but about life as well. I learned that life is like a mountain. You have your ups and downs, you have hardships, and happy times. Either way though you need to trust God through it all. You need to put your life in the hands of God, and everything will maybe not turn out your way, but in the end everything will make sense.
I'm still learning to trust God with my whole heart. I learning that wether you are going through a trial or a joyous time in your life you need to give your full heart to God and trust in him.
Church this morning was great as always. The Taylor University Gospel Choir came, and they were so stinking good! It was so fun to watch everyone clap their hands and do different motions, and people just love on one another. Thats one thing I love about that church, everyone just genuinely loves one another. After church Chelsea, Mary Beth, Reghan, Jess and her mom, sister, sister-inlaw and niece all went to lunch Baldwin. It was so fun, and I got to hold a beautiful 3 month old baby. I love babies, so much. Anyways after lunch Chelsea, Reghan, Mary Beth and I decided to escape to Starbucks for a few hours to do homework. It was really nice. Just sitting there, listening to music, and people having conversations. Something about it helped me get work done, which was great.
Sundays are a great day for me to reflect on the past week, and look forward to things in the week that is coming. Its a day to just rest and get caught up on homework, and most of all its a day with the Lord. Today at church I really started thinking about the little things that God has done for me, as well as the big things. Each and everyday he does something, and there is always something to learn about him, which I think is so cool. One of the things I have really been learning lately is to fully trust in him. Earlier in the year I experienced a situation in which if I didn't trust in him I wasn't going to get through this very large obstacle.
It was early in October, and I decided to be spontaneous and go on a hiking trip with my school in the mountains of Kentucky. I was kind of apprehensive, but in the end I was so happy that I went. We got to the mountain at about 1:00 am and we started hiking from there. After about half an hour of hiking up killer hills, we found a place to put our tents for the night, and from there we set them up and went to sleep for the night. The next morning we got up, and started our hike for the day. The hills were steep and as the day went on got harder and harder. The first day we hiked about 7 miles or so, we set up camp for the night, and went to sleep. The next morning we woke up, thinking that we were only going to have to go about 4 more miles, and started hiking for the day. We were all tired, hungry, and very thirsty. As the day went on the hiking got harder and harder and with every step we took, we got more tired. It wasn't until later in the day did we realize we were going the wrong way. It was pretty devastating, when you realize something like that and are totally exhausted beyond means. It was at that moment that the only way I knew I was going to get through it was by praying and fully trusting in God. So after a few moment of pity, we all got up and started hiking once again. We hiked the next 7 or so miles faster then the first 10 miles we did. It was all God that got us through it, and we all knew that. I could say so much more about this trip, but that was just a little insight on it. That weekend I learned a lot. Not only about nature, but about life as well. I learned that life is like a mountain. You have your ups and downs, you have hardships, and happy times. Either way though you need to trust God through it all. You need to put your life in the hands of God, and everything will maybe not turn out your way, but in the end everything will make sense.
I'm still learning to trust God with my whole heart. I learning that wether you are going through a trial or a joyous time in your life you need to give your full heart to God and trust in him.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Kids retreat
This past weekend I had the option of doing quite a few things. I really wanted to go home. I wanted to sit in my room and just sleep, because my brain is literally exhausted. I wanted to go somewhere or do something spontaneous. I wanted to hang out with people that I have come to love. But in spite of everything that I wanted to do, I went to a lock-in at my church with about 30 kids. It was so great and tiring, and so stinking fun.
Starting Friday at 4:00 pm. I walked into one of my favorite places, Faith Baptist Church of Marion, IN. Around 6:00 kids started to come,wild, bright eyed, and full of energy. We played games, ate pizza, chips, and may I add tons of candy. We played wii, did crafts, dodge ball, and watched tons of movies.
My favorite part of this whole 24 hours was the praise and worship/lesson. I was amazed at how much kids can really retain. I was amazed at how much a 5 year old knows about Jesus. When we were in the "kids tank" singing songs I was amazed at how literally every single one of those kids, were worshipping the Lord. It was so encouraging and at that moment I knew that I was exactly where I was suppose to be. I was suppose to be at this lock-in and not at home, or hanging out with friends, but with these wonderful kids.
Overall it was a great 24 hours. And even though it was really tiring, it was so worth it. It was worth it when the kids walk up to you and hug you. Or when they say you "thank you" , or tell you how much fun they had.
Tomorrow is sunday. I'm happy about that.
Starting Friday at 4:00 pm. I walked into one of my favorite places, Faith Baptist Church of Marion, IN. Around 6:00 kids started to come,wild, bright eyed, and full of energy. We played games, ate pizza, chips, and may I add tons of candy. We played wii, did crafts, dodge ball, and watched tons of movies.
My favorite part of this whole 24 hours was the praise and worship/lesson. I was amazed at how much kids can really retain. I was amazed at how much a 5 year old knows about Jesus. When we were in the "kids tank" singing songs I was amazed at how literally every single one of those kids, were worshipping the Lord. It was so encouraging and at that moment I knew that I was exactly where I was suppose to be. I was suppose to be at this lock-in and not at home, or hanging out with friends, but with these wonderful kids.
Overall it was a great 24 hours. And even though it was really tiring, it was so worth it. It was worth it when the kids walk up to you and hug you. Or when they say you "thank you" , or tell you how much fun they had.
Tomorrow is sunday. I'm happy about that.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
I figured its about time I start one of these. I would classify myself as a blog stalker, and I personally just love thoughts, writing, and putting it all together. So a blog is the perfect thing. I am not quite sure how good I will be at this or much I will post, but I thought I would try.
Today was such a good, good day. God truly taught me so much. I woke up, and went to sunday school for the first time at my church. We started with singing a few songs, and then we split up into groups. I was in the freshmen girls group, and it was just awesome. I met new people. I learned new things, and most of all I really felt like God taught me stuff. He taught me that in order for me to be in a relationship with really anyone, and for it to be good, you need to put God first in everything you do. You need to make him your number one priority, and from there things will fall into place, and he will bless you beyond measures. After sunday school I went to a great church service. We talked about the Lord's Prayer and specifically the words "Our Father". I learned that he is our procreator. He is the one who imagined us, he is the one who shaped us, and he is the one whose DNA we share. I learned that he is our Protector. He values our life, he stands between us and our enemies, and most of all that he laid down his life for us. And last but not least. I learned he is our provider. He is able to provide like no other person or thing in this world. That his desire is to provide, and His provision is a testimony of his faithfulness. After church I had a meeting about the missions trip I am going on over Spring Break. I am going to New York City, and serving homeless people. I have never been on a missions trip before, and I am so excited, scared, and confused all in one. I am confused because I am not really sure as to why God wants me to go on this trip, scared because I have never been on a trip like this before, and so excited because i get to meet new people, serve the homeless, and most of all serve the lord. I think its going to be great, and a really eyeopening experience.
Today I also got to hang out with my church family. It was sooo great. There were lots of kids, great food, cards, and games, and just a lot of joy and laughter. Every time I hang out with them its truly such an encouragement to me. They all love God so much, and are all so giving and so inviting to everyone. They make me feel like I am at home, and I really cannot ask anymore from them. I am so blessed and today I really realized that.
So this day was such a joy. It was a day filled with love, and laughter, and most of all filled with the Lord. This week I am really going to try and see the small things that the Lord has blessed me with. I'm going to try to spend more time with him, and just really seek him. This should be a good week.
Well until next time folks,
This is Ashley Harris reporting out.
By the way. I love my roommate. Especially when she itches my arms, and listens to my problems, and provides me with fruit snacks every day of the week.
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